Thoughtful Thursday…on a Saturday??

in Thoughtful Thursdays on May 23, 2015


So clearly I am having a bit of trouble adjusting to my new life of leisure…I do not even know what day it is!  Actually, that is not a completely true statement–I do know that today is Saturday, and that I am two days behind schedule in getting my Thoughtful Thursday post out.  Wait until you read the actual post…two days will look like the picture of punctuality considering that my subject matter focuses on an event that occurred almost a month ago!  In my defense, my life has been in a bit of a free-for-all in the past month.  My oldest son was Confirmed at church, I graduated from college, my oldest was again, in the spotlight as he graduated from the eighth grade, and then yesterday was the children’s last day of school!  We have been busy.  So without further ado…

Happy Mother’s Day!

I realize that not everyone reading these posts are mothers either by timing or by design, but the one thing we all have in common is that each one of us have a Momma. Now, claiming her is a completely different story!  Have I ever told y’all about my mother?  Right now as she’s reading this, she has probably dropped her coffee, and is bracing herself for the worst!

Relax Mother, it’s okay.

My mother is a regular spit-fire.  She barely clears five feet on the measuring tape.  She has short blonde hair and clear blue eyes.  She is loud and mouthy (if you have wondered where I get it from…)  But, she is also fearless.  Several years ago, she and my dad decided to give up their comfortable, normal life to become big rig truckers.  Yes, you read that correctly.   Big Rig Truckers.  As in over-the-road-long-haul-breaker-breaker-one-nine-what’s-your-twenty, truckers.  Apparently the Empty Nest Syndrome  kicked in, and they wanted to see the country.  So, rather than buying an RV to tour the States, they went to trucking school and bought a shiny new red Volvo big rig, and now criss-cross the country hauling loads of anything you can imagine.  They are having a blast.  However, when Mother first told me of her plan, I honestly thought she had lost mind.  I still worry about her.  I am the oldest of four children.  It is my job to worry about my mother.  I began to think of Someone else who also worried about His Momma…


Jesus had a mother.  God so perfectly orchestrated everything for us.  Jesus came from a woman.  Jesus, who was King of everything, and never needed to be confined by space and time chose to limited by the itty-bitty living space of His mother’s womb, just so we could fully understand and relate to Him!  He fully knows each and every human emotion we have.  One of those emotions is the incredible bond that exists between a mother and her son.  Any of my girls out there reading this, who has either recently gotten married or is planning to marry or who has been married for years—knows exactly how strong that bond is between Mommas and their baby boys!  Go with me to the book of John.

We are at the very end of Jesus’ life.  The following events are not recorded in the other Gospels, possibly because in this instance, Jesus was speaking directly to John; however that is simply my own speculation.  Here is the scene:  Jesus has been flogged to within an inch of His precious life, literally most of His blood is gone from His body.  He has been hanging on the Cross for almost three hours, He is dehydrated and severely weakened.  Speech at this point in the day was nearing the impossible.  His mother was watching.  My stomach turned as I typed that last sentence.  My boys are in the next room, safe and blissfully unaware of the emotional torment that plagues me as I write and recount the Crucifixion.  Yet two thousand years ago, one mother’s Baby Boy (regardless of His age, He was still her baby) was not safe, nor unaware of torment of any type, He was hanging on the Cross for the world.  And still through all of that, He thought of her:

“When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved [John] standing nearby, he said to his mother, ‘Dear woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home” (John 19:26-27 NIV).  Jesus was the oldest child in His family.  He was the oldest Son.  He had responsibilities of the household that rested on His shoulders, not to mention, the weight of the world.  He made sure that His mother was not only going to be physically provided for (He had other brothers that could have easily done that) but He made sure that she was spiritually provided for, so He left His mother in the care of one of His most trusted friends.  He worried about His momma.  He was making sure, with some of His final breaths that she was safe and she was okay.

Each year we set aside a day to honor our mothers.  We remember them.  We say thank you to them.  I know Mother’s Day has come and gone this year, but can we really only have one day to honor our Mommas?   Remember the mothers in your life, say thank you to all the women who have cared for, loved on, and protected you.  Let them know how much you love them.  Let them know you worry for them.  Let them know you pray for them.  I do not get to see my mother very much.  She spends half the year on the road, and the other half in San Diego, California. But in this world of instant messaging, email and cell phones…it is more than easy to pick up the phone to let her know that I am thinking of her. This might be a couple of weeks late, but better late than never!

Thank you, Mother for making me the woman I am.  Thank you for loving me, putting up with me, and providing for me.  I love you.  Happy Mother’s Day!

And now, some funnies….

Pregnancy Q & A

Q : My childbirth instructor says it’s not pain I’ll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?

A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current. (I can vouch for this one! Take the meds!!)

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?

A: Right after you find out you’re pregnant. (And all God’s sister’s said, AMEN!!!)

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?

A: Yes, pregnancy. (Umm, maybe I should’ve had this advice about ten and eleven years ago…I would’ve spaced mine out a little further!)

Here’s hoping your day is filled with love!


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