Send in the Clowns

in Giggles on May 20, 2015

Send in the Clowns

Do you remember that song?  I remember it.  That in and of itself is amazing, considering that Stephen Sondheim wrote it three years before I was born.

Send in the Clowns

I have never really cared much for clowns.  But I like this song.  Perhaps these lyrics strike such a deep chord with me because they have absolutely nothing to do with circus clowns and absolutely everything to do with playing the fool.  Now that is a role I was born to play.  There are very few people who can shove their foot further or faster down their proverbial throat than me.  And apparently, this magnificent skill set only gets better when my stress level gets higher.

Send in the Clowns…

I hope I will not confuse all five of my readers out there in Cyberville by the mixing of fictional references, but I had honestly hoped with the reception of my college degree, a substantial amount of new wisdom would have instantaneously been bestowed upon me at that time–something akin to the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.  Unfortunately…no such thing happened to me.  In fact, I really do not feel much more intelligent now compared to when I started my return to university two and a half years ago.  How’s that for a kick in the teeth?  There are a couple of noticeable differences, although I am not certain they are changes for the better…  The fuse on my temper has shortened to an almost non-existent level.  I have discovered that sleep is an optional upgrade reserved for people who actually do live a life of leisure…


Caffeine is the nectar of the gods, and will allow a clinically-dysfunctional-insomniatic-overachieving-know-it-all to appear sane.  I also learned that the flimsy filter that used to exist between my brain and mouth was the first casualty of war in the battle of MomStudent vs MomLife.  And, for the icing on this disastrous cake…drum roll, please…we all turn into our mothers.

You see there’s line in this song that speaks to me–right to me– Making my entrance again with my usual flair*–Evidently I have usual flair.  I am loud, obnoxious, rude (so I have recently been told), and exceedingly hard to deal with.  Awesome.  And…I have turned into my mother.  For starters, I can think of worse people to become.  I happen to love my mother, warts and all.  She, too, is hard to take at times…it really isn’t her fault…she just hasn’t quite gotten over the fact that someone dropped a house on her sister.


So, I guess that makes me the witch of the southwest, then…  One of my dearest friends said in a conversation, “No one tolerates Dallas.  You either love her, or…”

I had so much more that I wanted to say in this post.  But I have been advised to “sleep on it” before spilling everything into cyberspace.  Well, I have been “sleeping on it” for three days.  I will leave you with this: Do not be afraid to be who God made you to be.  Stand up for what you believe in.  Do not let your circumstances dictate what your life will ultimately be about.  Life is NOT fair.  Sometimes you need to put your Big Girl Panties on play the hand you’ve been dealt.  Playing the constant victim will NOT win you any popularity contests; I simply do not have time for crybabies.  Make Good Choices.  If all of this is more than you can handle, lucky for you, I am still here, with my usual flair…so if you need someone to blame, pass it my way…and I’ll just ask…

Where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns, well maybe next year.*

Here’s hoping your day is happy and bright!



*Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, 1973 Send in the Clowns

0 thoughts on “Send in the Clowns

  • Lynn Doyer says:

    Ah, dear Dallas, education and wisdom are not the same. Education can be learned, wisdom only comes with experience, often not pleasant experiences. It’s all called life and makes us who we are along with our parents. And turning into our parents can be a wonderful accomplishment. I remember my mother saying as she became older that she figured she had only a certain number of hours left on earth and wasn’t going to use them to do things other people wanted her to do. At the time I didn’t “get” it, now I do. It’s all about choices and striving to follow Gods will is still job number one!

    • Lynn, I just love you! Your comments are always so encouraging and uplifting and there when I need them. Have a great day.

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