Three More Sleeps

in Giggles on December 22, 2018

As I sit here beside my tree, my mind starts to wander to Christmases of years past. The presents this year are already UNDER the tree, whereas not that many years ago, they would have been safely tucked away waiting to be delivered by the Man With The Bag. But, my kids are older now. Santa’s sleigh hasn’t made a stop at our house in several years, although if I listen closely on Christmas Eve, I swear I can hear sleigh bells softly sing.

I just put the last two gifts under the tree for the year. We have three more sleeps until Christmas morning. As I laid them beside their fellow boxes, the gentle rattle of the Hallmark bell ornaments jingled from within. I couldn’t help but smile at how closely these two boxes reminded me of the Polar Express.  Hallmark has released a new series of ornaments entitled Ring in the Season. They are large and ornate silver bells. They dance and ring with every little move of their box. They look exactly like the sleigh bells off of Santa’s sleigh in the Polar Express.

Can you hear the bells?

I love these bells. I love the idea of Santa bringing cheer and happiness to the masses. Three more sleeps.

Each and every household celebrates this holiday in their own special and unique way. We all have traditions that we have held onto throughout the years, and some we have modified to better fit our own families. The stores and malls are packed with shoppers looking for that perfect gift. Soon the highways will be crowded with cars heading to faraway places to visit loved ones. Soon, the North Pole will unleash the sleigh and bells will ring in all corners of the world. The question is this: Can you still hear the bells?

Three more sleeps . . .

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