The Two-Way Mirror

in Giggles on July 5, 2021

Well, it’s been a minute since my last post. I’ve undergone some MAJOR changes over here…the biggest one being I had Occipital Nerve Decompression surgery seven weeks ago. For those who may not not be well acquainted with human anatomy, that surgery takes place in your head.

I currently am babying twelve inches of incisions across the lower half of the back of my head. I’m doing really well–or so the doctors say. I’ve suffered from migraines since I was a kid, and now, come to find out, it was a physical problem–not simply a chemical issue. But, recovery on a six hour surgery takes time. The doc decompressed twenty-eight nerves in my head. No wonder my head hurt every single day for forty years.

My middle kiddo graduated from high school, two weeks after my surgery. That was the most fun I’ve ever had at a high school graduation…although it may have had something to do with the pain killers I was on. Oops.

We sold our house.

We accidentally sold our house. The housing market is just bananas. We are building a house, and knew eventually we’d sell this one…we just didn’t think we’d sell it during my surgery recovery OR before we actually had another house to move into.

I’m also getting ready to release a new book in September, and publicity is gearing up for that.

I still have one kiddo at home; who is graduating from high school this December (early). The move from the only home he has ever known, into a rent house, then off to college, is proving to be a bit much for him. And, let’s not forget the two kids in college, that while they are technically on their own, they still need some parental guidance.

So, suffice to say, I’ve got some next level stressors over here.

Why the two-way mirror title?

Well, over the last several weeks, I’ve watched A LOT of TV. I haven’t been able to do anything else. I can’t lift anything or do any type of strenuous activity. So, I’ve been stuck in front of my TV for weeks. Castle has been one of my chosen shows. I’ve been paying attention to the two-way mirror.

The people in interrogation, can see themselves in the mirror. Some people check their make-up, some just stare blindly ahead, others know they’re being watched, and that the real show is on the other side. Whatever their reason for being in interrogation, every person handles it differently.

Right now, I’m not a fan of my mirror. I feel like I’m being interrogated on different levels. I don’t look the same, but that’s just my vanity checking in (no amount of lipstick can fix the mess I’ve got going on right now). And here’s where things flip: When others look in, they’ll see the calmness of the room…not the chaos behind the mirror.

Maybe I should’ve entitled this one Through the Looking Glass, because sometimes I feel like I’m on an adventure with Alice and the Mad Hatter. I know everyone has their own things going on. It’s how we deal with those things that make the difference.

Soon, I’ll be back to my old self. Life will level off, and a we’ll move up to the next level of Jumanji. I’ll find my feet again. But, until then, be patient. If you feel like you’ve tumbled through the looking glass, or are sitting in interrogation, take a deep breath, and put on a little lipstick. Sometimes the bottom is the best place to be; you can only go up from there.

Have a great day.