The Monkey

in Giggles on March 21, 2022

My middle little sister, Natasha, and her man, Aaron, hate monkeys.

I know….weird, right?

A couple of weeks ago, Jeff flew me out to California to see the latest addition to their family: A beautiful baby girl. I was totally smitten with this precious angel. They named her Charlotte, but Aaron calls her Charley. Naturally, that melted my heart. Many of you remember my Fat Girl, Charley. My late Golden Retriever, was the subject of many a blog post!! Lucky for me, it doesn’t take long for Natasha to plump up her babies—soon, I’ll have a new Fat Girl.

But, I digress.

Last February (as in, 2021), Tasha and Aaron welcomed their first baby girl into the world. One year and twenty days later, Baby Charley arrived on the scene.

Apparently, my sister paid absolutely ZERO attention to the extreme level of difficulty I struggled through, when I stair-stepped my own kiddos…nor did she read my Award Winning Book…or read ANY of my blog posts relating to the daily challenges of having multiple infants in the house.

That’s okay. I’m not bitter.

In fact, having spent a week with the new family of four, and now sit cozily and alone, kid-free in Houston, I’m actually laughing at them. Time and distance will have that effect on you. As I am crossing the Finish Line, and about to marry at least one of my kids off, my sweet sister is just coming up to the Starting Gate.

What does this have to do with monkeys?

Well, along with being a writer, I am also a speaker.

I speak to Women’s groups of all ages, but my niche—my sweet spot is mothers with young children.

I’ve developed a new talk that I am currently promoting and engaging women across Texas (and beyond) in, called A Mother’s Heart. Now, I am a VERY visual person. Perhaps, some of you can relate to that. Many times, when I speak at an event, I have props of some sort. This is especially true of my latest endeavor.

If you’ve been reading along with me in recent weeks, you know my husband and I are in the process of building a new home. The long and short of that fact is that 90% of our worldly possessions are in storage…including ALLLLL of my props and visual aids. Most of my “accessories” can be duplicated in some fashion, but the one thing I was missing was a swaddle blanket.

During my time with my sister, Aaron, and the babies, I had ample amounts of time to glean new ideas for blog posts (this one), stories to use on stage (book me to find out), and last but not least, a virtual mountain of baby paraphernalia…including, but not limited to…Swaddle Blankets!

Rather than just putting one in my suitcase, I asked for one. This is what I was given…

I think it’s adorable. The backstory is that the parents think the monkeys are “Creepy. Plus, neither one of us particularly likes monkeys.”


Mind blown.

Who doesn’t like monkeys in little hats? Evidently, Natasha and Aaron.

Eh. Their weirdness was my gain. I snatched the swaddle, and shoved it into my bag. Now, I will think of my two youngest nieces every time I am on stage. That makes my heart exceedingly full and happy.

My own babies are no longer babies. In fact, time is much closer to them having their own babies, than when they were young. I honestly never thought this day would actually come. I mean, in reality I knew they would one day grow up, leave home, get married and each start their own family. But, in the early days, weeks, months and years of their lives…my days felt more like years.

It was hard to see past the endless nights, constant crying (both theirs and mine), and ceaseless needs and wants. Having three kiddos age two and under, someone always needed a new diaper, new bottle, a different snack, or just me. Rarely did only one child at a time need something. Most often, two or more tugged on me every minute of every day.

I honestly have to pause, and give proper credit to the mom, wife and woman I was twenty-odd years ago. I can applaud her without hesitation today, but back then, I was simply trying to survive.

That is the mode my sister is in.


Is that where you are?

If it is, reach out to someone. A sister. A neighbor. A friend. You do not have to go this road alone. Parenting isn’t for sissies, and it is most definitely NOT a one-man-show. In case no one has told you lately: You are doing a terrific job. You are enough. You are the only one who can parent your child. I see you. And, you can do this.

Parenting is one of the most rewarding experiences life can provide. But, when done properly, it will exhaust you, defeat you (at times), break your heart, and then seal all those broken pieces back together with one single wet, sloppy and sticky handed kiss. Is it worth it?

Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Am I glad that part of my life is behind me?

Oh, yeah!

Would I change anything, if I could?


And, in the end, neither will you.

As for the monkeys…let’s just say that the antagonistic big sister that I am, will now be on a very specific scavenger hunt to see what the big city of Houston has to offer in the form of monkeys.

Beware, Sister! They’re coming for you.