One Year Later…

in Giggles on May 17, 2016


Well, it’s been roughly one year since I walked across the stage to accept my slip of paper that confirmed I had met all of the required courses needed to fulfill my desired degree plan, thus declaring me a college graduate.  You may all be quietly wondering, just what in the wide world has she done with all of that sophisticated learning?


Not. One. Single. Thing.

Oh wait…that’s not entirely true.

Image 5-17-16 at 8.06 AM

I hung my diploma on the wall.

I have also cooked roughly 1000 meals.  Done countless loads of laundry, and managed to keep all three of my children and both dogs alive…a feat, may I remind you, which has proved to be a bit of a challenge at times.

But, life post graduation has been, well…a bit of a let down…intellectually.  I graduated at the top of my class.  I had lots of potential.  Potential for what?  We’re still not sure.  Around this time of year, I am certain that scores of graduates might be feeling this way…particularly if those graduates are from the more seasoned side of the slice of life.

We have been there and done most of that.  We have the house and the babies.  We are staring blankly into the now what phase.  I graduated with kids half my age.  They were smart, no, they were brilliant; and they were fearless.  The world is literally at their feet, ready to do their bidding.  I wish them well.  I will cheer them on from the sidelines and be grateful that our paths crossed.

I enjoyed my jaunt back into University life.  Getting my degree was a twenty-year journey.  I learned a lot along the way.  I’m still not cool–I never was.  Some things never change.  I’m still smart.  I’m still sarcastic; some people still don’t like that, and I still don’t care.  So, as I continue to stare into the now what, I look to my own kids.  They keep me on my toes, in fact, they keep me running.  I count it as my cardio.  Granted, I’m not technically using my degree in the way it was intended, but I am changing the world.  I have three minions, I mean children, at my fingertips everyday.

They depend on me for everything–and I do mean EVERYTHING.  You’d think as teenagers, they would have become a bit more self-sufficient by now.  Think again.  Their world is different because of me–better (hopefully) because of my input.  I still cannot help them with their math.  I have a Liberal Arts degree…math was NEVER my strong suit…but I’m good in other areas.

I may never be the next JK Rowling or John Grisham.  That’s okay.  I am who my family needs me to be.  I’m on time for carpool.  I fix edible meals, and I give fantastic goodnight hugs.

If you find yourself staring into the now what, pause for a moment and look around you.  Chances are, you’ve got all you need in the NOW.

Here’s hoping your day is brilliant!
