Monday 4.0

in Giggles on April 21, 2022

My week started out a bit rocky.

The Monday after a major holiday is often times a rough way to start the week.

I can’t completely put my finger on the why or the what that pushed my week off the nearest cliff before it had even truly started…but something was just off.

As I’m staring at the finish line of the work week (comical, that I would refer to a “Work Week” as though I had an actual JOB), I can’t say that I ever fully recovered from my case of the “Mondays.”

I’m having some creative blockage issues—those are never fun, and always frustrating. I’ve got a least one dog with GI troubles, while the move-in date for the new house is steadily getting closer…we are not there yet, and next weekend I will be attending an awards ceremony that my book is nominated in—key word being nominated, so my nerves are a bit on edge. I’m going to start practicing my gracious loser face in the mirror…

To borrow a phrase from the beloved Disney classic, Mary Poppins, “I’m simply out of sorts.”

This morning, I had an early and unexpected wake-up call. London, my Golden Doodle, nudged my hand at 4:50. My alarm was set to ring at 5:30. Apparently, she wasn’t feeling her best. I was greeted with her ailment before my eyes even adjusted to the dim lighting outside my bedroom…before my eyes were even fully open…and LONG before I had my first sip of coffee.


I immediately sent the dogs to endure the banishment of the backyard, while I carefully considered and weighed the options of my next steps.

Step One: Wake up Jeff.

I normally move with such stealthy precision and absolute silence, that one might think I double as a ninja-assassin. In other words, I try SUPER HARD NOT to wake my sleeping husband in the mornings. However, today was not that morning. Very early in our marriage, Jeff and I discovered a couple of key strengths and weaknesses about ourselves.

A glaringly obvious weakness of mine is my complete and total inability to dispose of, deal with and/or clean certain messes—made by either our children OR our animals. On the other hand, one of my undeniable super powers is that of caring for those same children and animals once I know (or suspect) there is an issue. Jeff’s strengths and weaknesses are the EXACT OPPOSITE of mine. Praise Jesus.

At 4:50 this morning, my weakness was on full display…so up got Jeff.

Step Two: Avengers Assemble…we needed cleaning supplies.

I can do that. I can organize and collect all things needed to assist with the clean up on Aisle 5. I know where the vinegar is, the Dawn, the baking soda…I can assemble, but I cannot avenge.

Step Three: Stay out of the way, and let the master work.

I have learned through the years, that when Jeff is commissioned for a job such as the one facing him this morning, it is best for me to simply exit Stage Left, and let him do his thing. I mean, seriously, how much help I am really going to be if I’m retching and carrying on dramatically??

Step Four: Consume Coffee.

I will be of absolutely NO use to ANYONE, at ANY later point in the day, if I don’t have my coffee. So, I made my morning cup of Joe, settled in a chair, and tried to hit the “Reset Button” on my morning.

So, here I sit, wondering what the next ten to twelve hours will hold, knowing what the first six did to me.

On top of my fur babies’ early morning antics, I myself, had an early appointment this morning that required me to be dressed and ready to face the day before 7:00 am…it was not until I reached my destination—thirty minutes from my house—that I realized I couldn’t even dress myself properly this morning.

I’m wearing my daughter’s shirt.

While I would love to think that I still have the figure of a nineteen-year-old, the facts of the matter reveal quite the opposite. How did I manage to make such a gross oversight? The short answer is that I was tired and straight-up not paying attention. Thankfully, my appointment wasn’t one that depended on my attire…I will be home shortly…then I can change clothes…and settle in for my favorite pastime: Dog Watching 101.

So, how are you today?

Better than me, I hope.

This week is almost over. I think I’m just gonna scratch it, and call it a wash. We’ll start over next Monday!

Here’s hoping your day/your week is going better than mine!