Bad Day

in Giggles on February 21, 2015



So, I had a bad day…that happened to last all week.  Last Monday was President’s Day, and my children had the day off from school–I did not.  I had the privilege of driving 40 miles (one way) in Houston traffic, which took me roughly an hour and a half, just so I could spend the first hour of my school day with the world’s crankiest professor.  Awesome.  I honestly believe that time comes to a complete and total stand-still once I cross the threshold door to his classroom.  He reminded us at the conclusion of the world’s longest 50 minute class, of our Lab practical the following day AND of our lecture exam the day after that.  Gonna be a good week–I have a sense about these things…

I tried not to run out of the room.

I have a quiet hiding spot on campus where I sit and read, do my homework, send emails, etc., so I promptly sat down and wrote a plea to my prof begging for a date change on the exam–no dice.  We were to “proceed as planned.”  I had FOUR exams this week.

Tuesday, the traffic was just as awesome, but when I arrived at school, the wireless network was down…until NOON.  So, any and all homework that I needed to turn in was late.  My book idea that I pitched to a big and respectable publisher was turned down (although it was the nicest rejection I have ever gotten).  I received not one, but TWO phone calls from the children’s school nurse informing me that two out of my three kids had paid her a visit, and my in-laws are mad at me.  Is it Friday yet?

Wednesday was spent in a cold sweat, panicking over the exam that was-not-to-be-moved.  It was a terrible exam.  I got a C.  One kid came home from school sick–another swears she broke her ankle standing in line for lunch, and the last one had a complete and total meltdown during the Ash Wednesday service at church…so we had to leave early.  Are you sure it’s not Friday yet?

Thursday brought a STILL sick kid–who incidentally, missed BOTH days of baseball tryouts of his eight grade year.  How can he make the team, if he has NOT tried out?  Fabulous.  One kid still limping substantially, but only when I’m watching.  Did I mention that my sweet hubby has been out of town on business for this entire fun-filled week?

Friday brought yet another exam…more interaction with Dr. Cranky-pants… a quick stop at the liquor store on the way home, and a phone call to a friend.  Nothing says goodbye to crap-filled week like a nice bottle of French Bordeaux.

Today is Saturday…the weekend.  My hubby is home…until tomorrow…when he leaves for INDIA.  But, he’s here today.  And today is a new day!  Next week will be better.  I feel better after a good vent.  My next post will be funnier…I just thought there might be someone who needed to know other people have crappy days, too.

Here’s hoping your day is crap-free!
