Are You Tired?

in Giggles on March 25, 2015


Have you ever woken up in the morning and immediately started your countdown to bedtime?  I must confess, I have been doing that for almost a week.  I am just plain, tired.  My eyes are tired.  My brain is tired.  My body is definitely tired.  And, I’m sorry to say, my willingness to get-up-and-go is gone.

In the past couple of weeks, I have survived my FINAL round of midterms.  I have watched pictures come across my phone of TWO of my three children be attended to by ski patrol 1000 miles away from me. They’re both okay now.


My dad decided to freak me out with an emergency surgery.  He’s okay now, too.


My dog went into heat.  I have a professor here at school, who has taken up permanent residency on my last severed nerve.  My oldest child is being Confirmed in matter of weeks.  THIS weekend is a massive academic competition in which all three of my children are involved.  But wait, there’s more!  I cannot leave out baseball games that start at 8:00 pm (there’s one tonight).  Tutoring for another kiddo.  Guitar lessons.  I have slight PR issue…anyone know how I can wrangle about 10,000 new Twitter followers?  (I’m working on a new book deal.)  And just for giggles and grins, so my amazing professors (who truly are amazing) don’t feel left out,  I have three (THREE) 10 page research papers due before the end of next month if am to even think about utilizing the cap and gown that I ordered.

My crazy is not only showing, it is radiating out of me like Bottle Rockets and Screaming Banshees on the Fourth of July!

So, let me ask you, are you tired?  I would love to hear from you.  I would really love to know what is going on your world.  If you are reading this blog, where are you from?  How many things do you juggle each day?  Be sure to follow me on Twitter!  And tell your friends!

Here’s hoping we ALL get our naps today!
