BFFs 4-EVA!!

in Thoughtful Thursdays on April 16, 2015


So, we are in the middle of a backyard rehab.  This is a humbling experiencing, in more ways than one.  For starters, the work must be done outside…we live in Houston, TX.  It would appear that God has nearly forgotten His promise to never destroy the earth by way of water again, considering that it has not stopped raining in several weeks.  Oh sure, we have had patches of sunlight, but by and large my backyard can double as a Louisiana state-protected marsh land.  This is somewhat frustrating mainly because of the fact that my husband and I are celebrating our son’s Confirmation with a backyard pool party in two weeks.
It is difficult to have a pool party—with no pool.

Technically we have a pool, there just is not any water in it…well, except for the inches of rain that fall daily.  But, I digress.  My landscaping issues is not the main focal point of today.  After all, it is Thursday!

I must be Thoughtful.

Today I want to talk about friends.  The idea came to me on Monday, when I came home and found that the pool people had drained 30,000 gallons of chlorinated water into my backyard.  It was awesome.  Does chlorine kill grass?  Anyway…I found two of my three children gleefully playing in the empty pool.  My daughter rushed to show me the graffiti that she and her BFF had carved into the bottom of the pool during one of their many playdates the summer before last.  It read:

BFF 4-Ever


Emma was so excited to see that treasured bit from her past.  Her best friend has since moved.  It made me think of another set of best friends…

King David had a bestie named Jonathan.  In fact, 1 Samuel 18:1 tells us “the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him [David] as his own soul.”  David and Jonathan saw some pretty tumultuous times.  Jonathan’s father was King Saul, who himself tried to kill David on numerous occasions.  King Saul had issues.  But, Jonathan remained faithful and true to his friendship with David.  Jonathan even went so far as to warn David that his father was hunting him (see 1 Samuel 20).  Yet through all of the torment that King Saul caused David, he still respected King Saul, and he loved his friend Jonathan.  When word came to David that Saul and Jonathan had died in battle, David grieved terribly: “David took hold of his clothes and tore them…and mourned and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and his son Jonathan…” (2 Samuel 1:11-12).

The Bible never mentions another best friend for David.

Friends are so important.  Best friends are vital.  Loneliness is nothing more than an invitation for the enemy to take up residency in your life and turn his very own lies and concoctions into truths.  Where are your friends today?  I want to encourage you to reconnect with old friends.  And go and out grab new ones if you’re a bit low in that department!

So a friend of mine sent me an email a while ago about friendship, and I thought it was more than appropriate for today. These fall in and out of circulation, please enjoy some of my favorites; all of them ridiculously funny and 100% true.  Here are a few:

1. When you are sad, I will jump on the person who made you sad like a Spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!

2. When you are blue, I will dislodge whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile, I will know you are plotting something that I MUST be involved in

4. When you are confused, I will use little words

Think of these when you are having a horrible, no good, very bad day, and before you complete the process of a move to Australia.  I remember all of the crazy stuff I have done with my besties…and somehow lived to tell about!  That’s the wonderful, miraculous thing about friends.  They are a complete gift from God.  He alone knows what we need.  He knows when our days are rotten, and when we need that little pick-me-up.

Here’s hoping your day knit together with someone else’s!


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